
Hello! This is Jin.

I am a first-year PhD student working with Dr. Marvin Chun at Yale University. I am broadly interested in studying the neurocomputational mechanisms of human everyday cognition and behavior. More specifically, my recent interest revolves around decoding and reconstructing thoughts and memory.

I obtained my B.S. in Psychology and Environmental Science from Peking University, where I worked with Dr. Xin Zhang on emotion perception and memory. I then completed a M.A. in Psychology from the University of Chicago with a certificate in Computational Social Sciences. I worked with Dr. Boaz Keysar on my master’s thesis studying trust in uncertainty.

After that I worked as a research specialist in the Cognition, Attention, and Brain Lab led by Dr. Monica Rosenberg and as a research assistant in the Computational Affective and Social Neuroscience Lab led by Dr. Yuan Chang Leong. My research seeks to explore the neural signatures of spontaneous thoughts during rest, and a common neural code for affective experiences during naturalistic movie watching.

Click here to read a recent paper:

Ke, J., Song, H., Bai, Z., Rosenberg, M. D., Leong, Y. C. (under revision). Dynamic functional connectivity encodes generalizable representations of emotional arousal across individuals and situational contexts. bioRxiv.

Paper forthcoming:

Ke, J., Chamberlain, T.A., Corriveau, A., Song, H., Zhang, Z., Martinez, T., Sams, L., Leong, Y.C., & Rosenberg, M.D. (in prep). Spontaneous thoughts reflect functional brain organization and behavior.